Thank you so much for considering to make a cryptocurrency donation towards our Ukraine emergency relief effort,

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Please note: If you give crypto via this form, MitOst will immediately receive the equivalent in EURO from ChangemakerXchange, which they will spend towards emergency relief for Ukraine (meaning we only act as short-term intermediary here). To learn more about the efforts of MitOst please see


To learn more about the emergency relief efforts of MitOst please visit

In case you require a legally compliant donation receipt we are required to ask you for a number of personal details (via the form you will see once you get to our crypto wallets). Please understand that we cannot provide a donation receipt unless you give in person (we cannot accept requests for a receipt in case of an anonymous donation).

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We take the environmental impact of cryptocurrencies seriously (particularly of those using an energy-heavy "proof of work" approach, like Bitcoin, to secure and mine coins). In order to mitigate the negative impact on the climate we will therefore regularly calculate the amount of energy consumed for donations and transactions to and from ChangemakerXchange. We then deliberately assume the maximum carbon emissions that could be associated to the production of said energy (that is because energy consumption is not equivalent to carbon emissions, read more on this here) and then offset these in accordance with our "sustainable changemaking" policy. At the same time we think there is reason to believe Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are to some extent disproportionately and wrongfully demonized: The actual amount of energy used for mining operations is lower than often reported (see this for background for example) and statements like "Bitcoin uses as much energy as country x" are somewhat misleading, or at least incomplete without knowing what sources (e.g. renewable vs. coal) were used to produce the energy. That said we find it encouraging that more miners worldwide switch to renewable energy sources, use excess energy that would otherwise go to waste (e.g. by leveraging hydro energy in remote areas) and introduce innovations to reduce the environmental impact of cryptocurrencies even further. Already today 76% of Bitcoin miners use renewable energies as part of their mix, and 39% of Bitcoins total energy consumption comes from renewables, see here for more info). While we take the issue very seriously and do not want to downplay it in any way, we'd also like to point out though that the financial industry, including the mining of gold & silver, the real estate needed for banks and financial institutions and the infrastructure of our cash economy have an impact and in order to address the issue we should look at it overall and in a holistic way versus demonizing just one approach.